We produce seeds with specific characteristics according to the needs of our most exacting clients.
Growth habit: Winter
Growth type: Semi-erect
Height: 80–94 cm
Lodging: Resistant
Seed rate: 200–220 kg seed/ha; 350 plants/m2.
Yield potential: 80–120 qqm/ha
Ear: Awnless
Biobío Region to Los Lagos Region: May (ensure yield)
2021-2022 Freire: 112 qqm/ha
2020-2021 Freire: 123 qqm/ha
2019-2020 Freire: 126 qqm/ha
Stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici): Moderate resistance
Wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici): High resistance
Septoria: High resistance
Powdery mildew: High resistance
Good baking and milling quality.
Growth habit: Winter-Early
Growth type: Prostrate
Height: 80–120 cm
Seed rate: 200–220 kg seed/ha
Yield potential: 80–100 qqm/ha
Ear: Awned
Grain: Red
Biobío Region to Los Lagos Region
Interior drylands: May 15 to June 15
Precordillera: May to June
2021-2022 Freire: 98 qqm/ha
2020-2021 Freire: 116 qqm/ha
2019-2020 Freire: 120.8 qqm/ha
Stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici): Moderate resistance
Wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici): High resistance
Septoria: High resistance
Powdery mildew: Moderate resistance
Good baking and milling quality.
Growth habit: Alternative
Growth type: Prostrate
Height: 90–120 cm
Seed rate: 200–220 kg/ha
Ear: Awned
Grain: Red
Protein: 12.51% DM
Biobío Region to Los Lagos Region
Interior drylands: May 15 to June
Precordillera: June to August
Plants/m2: 360
2021-2022 Freire: 112 qqm/ha
2020-2021 Freire: 123 qqm/ha
2019-2020 Freire: 126 qqm/ha
Stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici): Moderate resistance
Wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici): High resistance
Septoria: High resistance
Powdery mildew: High resistance
Good baking and milling quality.
Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad de La Frontera – Diplomado en Gestión de Empresas, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
+56 9 9431 4385
This website is merely for informative purposes to our crop suppliers in their business with us. Therefore the access to the website is only for our Farmers.