We offer a wide variety of wheat seeds with excellent yield potential and exceptional industrial characteristics.
Most widely sown winter wheat in Chile with high yield potential.
Growth habit: Winter
Growth type: Prostrate
Height: 70–95 cm
Lodging: Tolerant
Seed rate: 180–200 kg/ha
Yield potential: 112 qqm/ha
Ear: Awned
Precordillera and Central Valley, southward from Talca
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to Powdery mildew
Wet gluten: 22–35%
Bulk density: 76–80 kg/hl
Rustic wheat with high yield potential and good adaptability to different soil types.
Growth habit: Alternative late
Growth type: Semi-prostrate
Sowing time: April 15 to August 30
Height: 80–115 cm
Seed rate: 180 kg/ha
Yield potential: 80–90 qqm/ha
Ear: Awnless
Precordillera and Central Valley. Not recommended for sowing in red soil.
Moderately susceptible to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Susceptible to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to Powdery mildew
Moderately resistant to Septoria
TKW: 40.2 g
Wet gluten: 24–36%
Bulk density: 79–82 kg/hl
One of the most widely sown wheat varieties with high yield potential.
Growth habit: Winter, high yield potential
Sowing time: May to June 20
Height: 93 cm
Seed rate: 180 kg/ha
Yield potential: Over 115 qqm/ha
Ear: Awnless
In Traiguén, sow at the end of April.
In red clay soils and all other areas, sow in early May
Good; however, requires at least two fungicide applications per season
TKW: 42–48 g
Wet gluten: 24–29%
Bulk density: 79–82 kg/hl
Excellent yield of intermediate to low quality
Growth habit: Winter
Growth type: Semi-erect
Height: Medium to tall
Seed rate: 200–220 kg/ha
Yield potential: 80–110 qqm/ha
Ear: Awned
Grain: Reddish
Biobío Region to Los Lagos Region: May to June
Early sowing ensures yield
Moderately resistant to Powdery Mildew
Moderate to high resistance to Septoria
Moderately sensitive to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
Growth habit: Early sowing alternative
Growth type: Semi-prostrate
Sowing time: May
Height: 90–110 cm
Seed rate: 160–220 kg/ha
Ear: Awnless
Central Valley and Precordillera
Tolerant to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 43–45 g
Protein: 14% DM
Wet gluten: 32–36%
Bulk density: 81 kg/hl
Sowing wheat under contract with CAROZZI, guaranteed purchase
Growth habit: Winter alternative (Southern Zone)
Growth type: Semi-prostrate
Sowing time: May to June
Height: 105 cm
Seed rate: 120–180 kg/ha
Ear: Awnless
Grain: Red
Maule Region to Los Lagos Region
Susceptible to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 46 g
Protein: 11% DM
Wet gluten: 26–30%
Bulk density: 80–81 kg/hl
White grain wheat with intermediate yield and quality
Growth habit: Alternative semi-prostrate
Sowing time: April to July
Height: 110 cm
Seed rate: 120–160 kg/ha
Ear: Awnless
Grain: White
Biobío Region to Los Lagos Region
Susceptible to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Susceptible to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 45 g
Protein: 11% DM
Wet gluten: 28–32%
Bulk density: 81–83 kg/hl
Wheat with excellent health and quality
Growth habit: Alternative
Growth type: Semi-erect
Sowing time: June to August
Height: 90–100 cm
Seed rate: 160–220 kg/ha
Ear: Awnless
Grain: Reddish
Yield potential: 70–110 (South) qqm/ha
Maule Region to Biobío Region
Drylands: May
La Araucanía Region and Los Lagos Region
Drylands: June to August
Susceptible to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 41.5–47 g
Protein: 14% DM
Wet gluten: 36.5%
Bulk density: 78.8 kg/hl
Among the most widely sown wheat varieties in Chile, highly adaptable to all soil types.
Growth habit: Alternative early
Growth type: Semi-erect
Sowing time: June to August
Height: 90–120 cm
Seed rate: 180–260 kg/ha
Ear: Awnless
Grain: Reddish
Yield potential: 70–100 (South) qqm/ha
Maule Region to Biobío Region
Drylands: May
La Araucanía Region
Drylands: June to August
Los Ríos Region to Los Lagos Region
Drylands: June to August
Susceptible to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 50–60 g
Protein: 11% DM
Wet gluten: 27–33%
Bulk density: 72–82 kg/hl
Growth habit: Alternative
Growth type: Semi-prostrate, strong weed competitor
Height: 90–110 cm
Seed rate:
Early sowing 290–310 grains/m2
Normal sowing 340–360 grains/m2
Late sowing 390–410 grains/m2
Ear: Awnless
Grain: Red
Fertilization: 220–260 total units of nitrogen (includes fertilization during sowing)
Maule Region to Biobío Region
Drylands: April to May
La Araucanía Region
Interior drylands: June
Precordillera drylands: June to July
With watering: June to August
Los Ríos Region to Los Lagos Region
Interior drylands: May 15 to July
Central Valley: May 15 to August
Susceptible to Septoria
Resistant to wheat stripe (yellow) rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici)
Resistant to stem rust of wheat (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici)
TKW: 48–52 g
Protein: 11%–12% DM
Wet gluten: 28–33%
Bulk density: 72–82 kg/hl
Ingeniero Agrónomo, Universidad de La Frontera – Diplomado en Gestión de Empresas, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
+56 9 9431 4385
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